How to?

Decide who will begin answering the question, and then have that person hand over to the next team member to address a new question.

OKR Check-in

The Noxit OKR Check-In is designed to spark connections, boost workplace fun, and improve performance!

What was the biggest win yesterday?
What’s your top priority today?
What’s one goal you want to accomplish today?
How can the team support you?
What are you most excited about today?
What are you least looking forward to?
How are you feeling?
How has your day been so far?
How will you stay focused today?
What’s one thing you’ll do for your well-being today?
What’s your main intention for today?
How can your manager best support you?
What tools or resources do you need?
What’s your most important question right now?
What’s today’s biggest challenge?
What obstacles do you anticipate?
What’s one skill you want to practice today?
Who can you help today?
Who can support you today?
What’s one small act of kindness you can do for a coworker?
What would make your day better?
What do you want to achieve by the end of the day?
How will you end today better than you started?
What was one example of great teamwork for you this or last week?
How can you collaborate better with the team?
Who helped you the most this week?
What’s one strength you bring to the team?
What team-building activity would you enjoy doing?
Are you comfortable asking teammates for help?
How can you offer more assistance to your teammates?
Who on the team deserves a shoutout this week?
What’s one thing you’d like to do more often with the team?
How is your current workload?
What tasks are you finishing the quickest?
Where are you seeing the biggest delays in your work?
What do you feel is the biggest time drain for you lately?
Which task took more time than you expected this or last week?
Which task took less time than you expected last week?
What’s one small task you completed that had big results?
Are there any tasks you keep putting off? Why?
What task was the most satisfying for you to complete this week?
How can we improve our communication in the team?
What’s one example of great communication within our team?
Where do we usually experience confusion?
How does our communication compare to other teams you’ve worked with?
What’s one question you were glad a teammate asked this week?
Coffee or tea?
Cats or dogs?
Summer or winter?
Sweet or salty?
Morning person or night owl?
Beach or mountains?
Netflix or YouTube?
Pizza or burgers?
Chocolate or vanilla?
Books or movies?
Ice cream or cake?
City life or country life?
Sunrise or sunset?
Comedy or horror?
Music or podcasts?
Hot weather or cold weather?
Sneakers or sandals?
Pepsi or Coca-Cola?
Facebook or Instagram?
Tacos or sushi?
Marvel or DC?
Apple or Android?
Cooking at home or eating out?
Rainy days or sunny days?
Travel by plane or travel by car?
Dogs barking or cats meowing?
Texting or calling?
Singing or dancing?
Roller coasters or water slides?
Fiction or non-fiction?
Breakfast or dinner?
Shopping online or in-store?
Spicy food or mild food?
Super strength or invisibility?
Working alone or working in a team?
Card games or board games?
Horror movies or romantic comedies?
Action movies or dramas?
Ice skating or roller skating?
Snowball fight or water balloon fight?
Pancakes or waffles?
Jogging or biking?
Sunglasses or hats?
Sneakers or boots?
Camping or staying in a hotel?
Pen or pencil?
French fries or onion rings?
Disney or Pixar?
Superman or Batman?
Stay up late or wake up early?
What are the main priorities for the next 12 months?
What long-term goals do we want to achieve this year?
How do our goals align with the overall company strategy?
What outcomes define success for each goal?
Are our goals motivating?
How can we keep the team inspired to achieve our goals?
What key collaborations or dependencies should we consider?
Are there any risks that could impact our goals?
How will we measure success and track progress?
What resources do we need to achieve our goals?
What processes or tools can we improve to meet our goals?
How will we balance short-term and long-term priorities?
How will progress be tracked and communicated?
Do we have clear owners of each goal?
How do we know how to prioritize?
How will we adapt if priorities shift?
How do the objectives contribute to personal growth?
Do you think we have “stretch goals”? (Ambitious targets beyond normal expectations).
How can we foster accountability?
What key milestones do we need to hit this quarter?
What wins did we achieve this week?
Who can help accelerate progress?
What’s your main focus for the upcoming week?
Are there any lessons from this week to share?
What challenges are slowing progress?
Are there blockers we need to address?
How can the team support you next week?
Are any dependencies impacting your work?
Is the current focus still valid?
What will you do differently to improve next week?
How are you tracking progress?
Is anything unclear about our goals?
Are we measuring progress consistently?
Did we achieve our goals for the quarter?
Which goals were met, partially met, or missed?
What helped us achieve our goals?
What challenges held us back?
Were the goals too ambitious or too conservative?
Did the team understand and align with the goals?
Were there recurring blockers?
Did we see any unexpected outcomes?
How well did we collaborate across teams?
Were there misalignments that caused delays?
Did we use our resources effectively?
Did we communicate progress well?
What lessons did we learn this quarter?
How can we streamline our processes for next quarter?
How does this quarter’s progress align with long-term goals?
What should we focus on next quarter?
Are there new opportunities we should pursue?
What do you like about working with OKRs?